Thursday, September 16, 2010

RSY: Buy MRH 400 @ $16.69

The portfolio recently got out of the position on ANAT, and is now looking to add Montpelier Re Holdings Ltd. {MRH}. ANAT is in the life insurance industry and MRH is in the property and casualty insurance industry.

MRH is rated a strongbuy by Sabrient and has a very high value score at 96.9 and 99 for balance sheet score and 99.5 for fundamental score {all based on 100 being best}. MRH has an average forensic accounting score, recently had good insider activity, and has an extremely low trailing P/E ratio of just over 4. Overall this would be a good addition to our RSY model portfolio. The portfolio will enter a limit order trade of $16.69 of 400 shares at opening of 9/17/2010 {good-til-closed}.

Best regards,
Ronald Rutherford
Retail Product Manager

Full disclosure: The author holds or will hold the stocks mentioned in this edition of Rock Solid Yields.

Disclaimer: The Rock Solid Yield portfolio newsletter is published solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as advice or a recommendation to specific individuals. Individuals should take into account their personal financial circumstances in acting on any rankings or stock selections provided by Sabrient. Sabrient makes no representations that the techniques used in its rankings or selections will result in or guarantee profits in trading. Trading involves risk, including possible loss of principal and other losses, and past performance is no indication of future results.

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