Wednesday, November 17, 2010

RSY XIX: Update.

It seems about time to review the current holdings of the RSY portfolio and to review the transactions to date including profits {or losses}. The first table is of the current holdings of the RSY model portfolio. (Click on tables for clearer images.)

Some of the gains reported earlier have been "harvested" already. The biggest gainer so far has been MRH. Since Sabrient is continuing to rate MRH as a Strong Buy, RSY recommends holding this until the ratings changes. Thus RSY has no set target for the price and will let the winners ride. But the real proof of the pudding is in how much is the realized gains. Below is a summation of trades along with the gains {or losses} of the model portfolio.

On the 16th, RSY recommended a sell of IVR at a limit price of $22.41. From nearly the moment it opened it dropped below our limit price but on the 17th it hit as high as $22.45. I find the graph on the 17th most interesting.

It is easy to see that for all the times that IVR approached $22.45, it never got over it and the day high was $22.45. It seems obvious that someone was selling a significant amount at the limit price. It might limit our upside potential, if this pattern persists.

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